
西洋流行樂---Enola Gay

第一次聽到這首歌的時候,覺得節奏輕快,應該是歡樂的歌。聽到gay這個字以為是首同志之歌,直到有一天我看到Discovery頻道在介紹二戰核彈轟炸日本廣島的專題介紹,才知道這首歌的真正意思。美國人會替軍艦或是飛機命名,沒有名字不吉利,那架載著核彈 (暱稱小男孩)的B-29轟炸機的駕駛是Paul Tibbets,他媽媽的名字叫做Enola Gay,於是就用她的名字替轟炸機命名。這是一首簡單但是有故事的好歌!

這一投核彈,當然對戰爭有個重大的影響,那是集合大量的科學家與工業研究的產物。Enola Gay投下的小男孩,她的輕輕一吻對戰爭史留下了不可抹滅的痕跡…


"Enola Gay"是由英國電子合成樂團Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark(簡稱OMD)所發行的。

這首歌是用一架飛機命名----美國空軍B-29超級空中堡壘,那架飛機叫做『Enola Gay』。她在日本廣島投下了『小男孩』,這是第一個用在戰爭的核子彈。當時是1945年的八月六日,試圖用這個核彈結束世界大戰。

歌詞裡面抨擊了使用核彈的決定:『今天小男孩有讓媽媽感到驕傲嗎?』; 暗示使用核彈不是必要的:『有必要以這樣的方式終結嗎?』



Enola gay, you should have stayed at home yesterday
Enola gay, 妳昨天實在應該待在家裡的

Aha words can't describe the feeling and the way you lied

These games you play, they're gonna end it more than tears someday

Aha enola gay, it shouldn't ever have to end this way
啊!Enola gay,實在沒有必要用這樣的方式終結這件事啊

It's 8:15, and that's the time that it's always been

We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and you're coming home

Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Enola gay,請問今天小男孩有讓媽媽驕傲嗎?

Aha this kiss you give, it's never ever gonna fade away

Enola gay, it shouldn't ever have to end this way
Enola gay,實在沒有必要用這樣的方式終結這件事啊

Aha enola gay, it shouldn't fade in our dreams away
啊!Enola gay,不該讓我們的夢想就這樣流逝

It's 8:15, and that's the time that it's always been

We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and you're coming home

Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Enola gay,請問今天小男孩有讓媽媽驕傲嗎?

Aha this kiss you give, it's never ever gonna fade away


1 comment:

guest said...

great post, thx
i first thought Enola Gay is the "little boy" in the song
not until recently i found out it is related to WW2
i really appreciate your detail explanation on the lyrics, thx