


台灣是美麗的寶島. 本篇介紹了兩種製作熱帶島嶼 (有棕櫚樹的那種)動畫的解決方案. 方案一是利用Vue 6製作. 方案二是在3ds max 7當中搭配Dreamscape外掛製作海洋與天空 另外 用Speedtree 3製作棕櫚樹.


利用E-on software Vue 6建立島嶼, 以Vue特有的Ecosystem生態系統建立棕櫚樹與自然的島嶼貼圖. 在Vue 6當中渲染.

教學影片 (長度為9分鐘)
-->320x240 on Youtube
-->720x480 on Blip tv


利用SitniSati Dreamscape 2.0建立海面 與移動的雲. 以IDV Speedtree 3.0 為島嶼加上棕櫚樹. 最後以3ds max 7內建的渲染器渲染.

教學影片 (長度為12分鐘)
-->320x240 on Youtube
-->720x480 on Blip tv



整體而言, Vue 6較能產生自然的樹木 天空效果, 但是方案二對於與3ds max整合度較高. 請注意Cebas FinalrenderSpeedtree並不完全相容. 而Dreamscape也可以產生3D (不是只有本例平面的雲) 只是要消耗大量的運算時間.

Vue 5與Bryce 5 地形建模功能比較terrain modeling

[tutor][video]Palm tree island production solutions

In this video tutorial we are going to create an island----an island with palm trees. Here I provide two production solutions:

Solution 1

By using E-on software Vue 6 to crate island, palm trees and see. Render in Vue 6.

video tutorial (Running time 9 mins)
-->320x240 on Youtube
-->720x480 on Blip tv

Solution 2

Using SitniSati Dreamscape 2.0 to create sea surface and flying clounds, adding palm trees to your island by using IDV Speedtree 3.0 . All render in 3ds max 7 with default renderer.

video tutorial (Running time 12 mins)
-->320x240 on Youtube
-->720x480 on Blip tv

Tutorial results:

Comparison of two solutions:

Overall, using E-on software Vue 6 will create more realistic island animation. But the solution 2 is much better when integration with 3ds max. Please note that Cebas Finalrender is not fully compatible with Speedtree 3. And the Dreamscape can create 3D clouds (not just a flat clouds) but will increase rendering time a lot.



電影ID4星際終結者裡面美國白宮被外星飛碟以雷射砲摧毀 這個教學裡面我們要以台灣著名建築物---中正廟來重現這樣的視覺特效. 我們將利用low polygon的方式為中正廟建模 上貼圖 用Quickdirt製作舊化效果. 然後我們將利用Cebas Thinkparticles外掛製作爆破的特效, 以Greeble外掛快速製作飛碟母船的模型. 以ky_trail 3.0製作雷射砲效果. 最後我們將用Sony Veags做音效處理與視訊剪接.

建模教學影片 (總長1小時25分):


[tutor][video]Making of Alien attack CKS gate


Continue of "Making of CKS gate", this time we are going to destroy it. In this video tutorial you will learn to optimize CKS gate model mesh, demolish it with Cebas Thinkingparticles, use ky_trail 3.0 to create lazer effect and finally edit the video with SONY Vegas 7. The space ship was model by using the famous plugin: greeble.

The final result:

Video tutorial (Runing time: 25 mins)
Low quality (320x240 on YouTube)

Hight quality (720x480 on Blip tv) (New!)
[Related tutorials]

Making of CKS gate

Building demolition in 3ds max 7

Sparkler writing in 3ds max with Trail 3.0


[tutor][video]Making of CKS gate 中正紀念堂

In this video tutorial you will learn how to polygon model a Chinese style building---CKS gate in 3ds max 7. This gate is the gate of Chiang Kai-shek (CKS) Memorial Hall. After modeling, we will use Quickdirt plugin to add dirt to this building. (Chiang Kai-shek is a notorious Chinese dictator who was defeated by Mao Zedong's Communists.)
Video tutorials (Runing time: 1h 25mins, split into 3 parts)
--Low quality (320x240 on YouTube)--
--High quality (720x480 on Blip tv)--

[Releated link]


[筆記]Suao historic 3D數位化蘇澳郡役所---準備篇

清明節回家 和哥哥去拍攝離家5分鐘路程的---蘇澳郡役所. 根據蘇澳鎮文化導覽手冊所述: “大正11年(1922年)5月蘇澳郡役所廳舍落成, 後作為鎮公所使用…”. 這座蘇澳少見的古蹟第一眼看上去還蠻現代感的 大樓當中的木材樓板根據父親所述已經被拆除 剩下水泥與磚塊的主體 空盪盪的. 現在的大樓正前有”新台礦業股份有限公司”的題字 顯示在棄置前還曾作為工廠用. 大樓兩側原本還有磚瓦的房舍 現在已經被拆除. 這座古蹟建構方正簡單 來把它當作我第一個3D數位化建築的練習吧!

(見上圖)先利用Autodesk 3ds max 7當中的tape工具量測建築物的各部分長度 比例. 我把小窗戶當作位小單位來計算(小窗戶長度=1單位). 經過換算後在筆記本上繪製草圖 然後利用Microsoft Office 2003 Visio拖拉出這棟古蹟的平面圖 正面圖 左面圖 右面圖. 在實際的操作過程中我發現量測長度是這最關鍵的步驟 如果比例稍有錯 在後來的電腦作業會有很大的麻煩.

材質的部分: 這棟古蹟整體是水泥與磚塊構成 靠近地面部分有苔蘚覆蓋. 窗戶完全沒有玻璃 有的是防颱風的颱風板. 有些窗子會用鐵浪板遮蔽. 材質大體上不會太複雜 唯拆UVW時可能要花點心思.

我對建築完全不懂 又這是業餘的作品 所以建築比例上並沒有很嚴謹地計算 將來如果有經費再把一磚一瓦 一樑一柱仔細地考究吧 這次就當是輕鬆的練習.

蘇澳郡役所的位置請參考以下Google earth抓來的空照圖(黃色圖釘所標定的位置


[tutor][video]Building demolition in 3ds max 7

In this video you will learn how to (1) convert building mesh to particles with Cebas Thinkingparticles (2)create dust and smoke with Superspray plus Sitni Sati AfterBurn 3.0 (3)Create debris with Particle Flow. You need: 3ds max 7, Cebas Thinkingparticles, AfterBurn plugins to make this effect.

Scene setup:One simple building (create by boolean union several boxs), one plane. One gravity, two deflectors (with different bounce strength) and one wind force.Particles: One thingkingparticles (building fractures), one superspray for dust, one superspray for smoke. One particle flow for debris.Environment: two AfternBurn effect for each superspay particles.Lighting: One skylight for 3ds max advanced lighting, one target spot light for the AfterBurn effect.

Video tutorial (Running time: 63 mins, split into 2 videos)

video 01

video 02

Parameter for Thinkingparticles:

Parameters for Superspray

Parameter for Particle Flow:
-The Cebas Thinkingparticles should do the debris (particle spawn) but I dont know how to do it right now, so I use Particle Flow to do it.
-Cebas Finalrender stage-1 is not compatabile with AfterBurn, so I use 3ds max default renderer.

[Related tutorial]