

PhoenixFD 3 simulation and rendering tips

by Hammer Chen

People have been asking me about how to create a splash, or how to render out Mist with PhoenixFD 3. Here I made a very short tutorial how to do it.

1. Elements
You have four elements to create a splash shot: liquid mesh, foam, splash, and mist. The last three are particles, have to render out by PhoenixFD dedicate Particle Shader. Liquid mesh is animated geometry. During simulation, the liquid mesh will generate Splash particles, and those Splash particles will split into Mist particles. And those Mist particles might convert back to liquid mesh; all depends on the threshold you set.

2. Enable Foam and Splash
By default, the PhoenixFDLiquid simulator does not enable those two particles; you have to manually enable them. For the Mist particles, you have to set " Split to Mist" above zero.

3. Create three Particle Shader in your scene
Foam/Splash/Mist those are particles, you need special shader to render them out. PhoenixFD's particle shader give you different mode, you need to set each one in different mode:
Foam →Point

Here is one example for Mist:

4. Rendering optimization
Rendering particles with GI might take some time, here are three most important parameters that might save you rendering time.
-Bucket image sampler: Max Subdives, Noise threshold
-VRay / Settings /Optimized atomos. evaluation
-Environment /Use Probabilistic Shading

Enjoy making splashes!

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