

Phoenix FD Fire tips火焰設定技巧

Phoenix FD 2.2的官方教學目前較著重於液體,爆破與濃煙,大尺度浪花。對於火焰的細節反而未多著墨。這裡翻譯兩篇在官方論壇上相關的文章,這兩篇問到了很關鍵的問題,Phoenix FD的主程式也提供了珍貴的設定建議。

Q: 如何可以讓火焰更長(更持久)? Best way to create longer (lasting) flames?
我在汽車底下放了一個火焰來源物件(source object) ,希望火焰能夠圍繞汽車,然後燃燒到接近車頂。整體來說模擬是ok的,但是火焰太快變成煙了我要怎樣讓火焰更長更延伸呢我試著增加溫度參數但是沒什幫助。
(譯者注:這對FumeFX用戶來說也是最基本但也最重要的問題,FumeFX裡面將burn rate調低,variation。)


Phoenix FD 2.2 守恆參數比較

作者:Hammer Chen

Phoenix FD 2.2的設定參數比FumeFX更複雜,更不直觀。往好處想是Phoenix FD能夠針對各種狀況最佳化,當你計算液體時,可以用適合液體的守恆演算法。當體積守恆不是那麼重要的時候,你又可以切換道另外一種演算法。Phoenix FD 2.2提供三種守恆(conservation)方法:Symmetric (對稱法),Smooth(平滑法), Buffered (緩衝法)。物質轉移(Material transfer)與守恆有關,Phoenix FD 2.2亦提供四種方法處理:Classic(經典法), Slow moving( 緩慢移動), Forward transfer (正向轉移),Multi-pass (多個pass)。


Fire reference image collection

Those are my reference images for fire from internet. Most of them are download from The Big Picture -



交大學蘭花屋運用歐特克軟體 勇奪全能綠建築大賽四大獎

國立交通大學蘭花屋運用歐特克軟體耀眼全球  勇奪全能綠建築大賽四大獎

採用Autodesk Revit、AutoCAD和Ecotect軟體,3D設計、建模、模擬分析一把罩

【2014年10月14日,臺北】臺灣建築設計軟實力再度站上國際舞台!國立交通大學(交大)UNICODE團隊以「蘭花屋」的創意設計於今(2014)年歐洲盃十項全能綠建築大賽(Solar Decathlon Europe 2014)勇奪都市策略(Urban Design, Transportation and Affordability)大獎第一名,並創下亞洲團隊首次獲得獨立獎項第一名的紀錄。交大UNICODE團隊藉由Autodesk Revit、AutoCAD和Ecotect軟體,實現其改造華人世界屋頂加建的設計理念,期盼藉由「蘭花屋」重新形塑新的台灣城市天際線與都市風貌。此一獨特設計理念同時也獲得該競賽創新大獎第二名、能源效率獎項第三名及公眾票選獎第三名。


Split geometry like a professional

Hammer Chen

Nowadays, almost everyone can split their 3D model with just one single button. From free maxscript "Splititup" to Rayfire. Even though Rayfire provide you option to cut geometry in radial, the results are still not realistic.

Fore realistic fracture, you must have:

  1. Focal point: the one near impact point have to be higher density (smaller debris) than the one far a way.
  2. the cracks not always go in straight line
  3. Section from fracture should not be smooth.
Here are my tips. The basic concept is first cut my geometry with Rayfire, then cut with thinkingParticles.

1. Split geometry with Rayfire (ProBoolean Uniform), mat ID = 2. Notice the cracks are not straight line after split with ProBoolean Uniform.

2. Select some parts from step one, then cut with thinkingParticles. You can find detail tutorial HERE.

Input parts into thinkingParticles

those particles are used for focal splitting (volumeBreak, cells)

Make sure the Mat ID = 2

The blue parts are cut with thinkingParticles volumeBreak node

3. After split our 3D model with Rayfire plus thinkingParticles, we get this fracture model.

 Section with different Mat ID and correct UVW

With different Mat ID, you are able to give different material to surface and section for the geometry

4. After apply dynamic simulation, I got this final results. Hope you like it ;)

More tutorials: